Interpretation of the 3D geoelectrical model of the Kocheriv structure of the Western Ukrainian Shield


  • Volodymyr Ilienko Subbotin Institute of the Geophysics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Tatiana Burakhovych Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Anton Kushnir Subbotin Institute of Geophysics,National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,Kyiv, Ukraine



geoelectromagnetic methods, interpretation of a three-dimensional model, electrical conductivity anomalies, ore occurrences of minerals, Ukrainian shield, Kocheriv structure, fault zone


The interpretation of the 3D model of the Kocheriv structure of the Ukrainian shield, based on the data of experimental observations of the low-frequency electromagnetic field of the Earth in a wide range of periods, was carried out by S.I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The main result of the geological-geoelectrical interpretation is that the Kocherivsynclinorium within its geological limits did not appear as a solid conductive structure; new anomalies of low resistance were discovered in the near-surface part of the crust (from the surface to 0.5—2 km), which correspond to structural and metallogenic features,extend along the Vilensky and Kocheriv faults, which belong to the Zvizdal-Zaliska fault zone and the Vilshansky (Brusyliv fault zone) and their intersection with the Central fault zone; an abnormally heterogeneous distribution of resistivity in the crust at depths from 15 to 30 km west of the Ukrainian shield was confirmed. The resistivity of the host rocks is on average 10,000 Ω·m, it extends over almost the entire thickness of the crust up to 50 km, which spatially agrees well with the massifs of granites of the Zhytomyr and Fastiv complexes of the Volyn and Ros’ Domain. The nature of the electrical conductivity anomaly may be the result of transport of ore components together with fluids from the crust and mantle during tectonic-magmatic activation, which allows predicting areas promising for endogenous mineralization as projections of deep anomalies to the day surface.

A connection between endogenous mineralization within the Kocheriv structure and low- resistivity anomalies was established. Zones of deep faults, to which low-resistivity anomalies are confined, require further study, such as the sublatitude anomaly along the Masheryn fault. Anomalies in the north of the Kocheriv structure at the intersection of the Kocheriv and Glukhiv faults and further south within the deepest (up to 2 km from the surface) near-surface sub-latitudinal conductor, which spatially coincides with the Komariv sub-latitudinal fault zone, stand out as promising for mineral exploration that meets geoelectrical criteria.


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How to Cite

Ilienko, V., Burakhovych, T., & Kushnir, A. (2024). Interpretation of the 3D geoelectrical model of the Kocheriv structure of the Western Ukrainian Shield. Geofizicheskiy Zhurnal, 46(4).


