National Seismological Bulletin of Ukraine in 2022


  • Yu.A. Andrushchenko Main Center of Special Control of the State Space Agency of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • O.I. Liashchuk Main Center of Special Control of the State Space Agency of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • L.V. Farfuliak Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • T.A. Amashukeli German Research Center for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany, Ukraine
  • O.Z. Ganiev Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • V.I. Osadchyi Main Center of Special Control of the State Space Agency of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • K.V. Petrenko Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, Ukraine



earthquake, seismological network, magnitude, epicentral distance, Vrancha zone, seismological bulletin


As of 2022, the National System of Seismic Observations of Ukraine had a network of observation points run by the S.I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences and the Main Center for Special Control of the State Space Agency of Ukraine. These institutions established a unified National Data Center, where the data is collected, processed, and analyzed. Information is provided both in real time and later, after an in-depth analysis, in the form of seismological bulletins and earthquake catalogs.

According to the observations, 160 earthquakes occurred on the territory of Ukraine and neighboring countries in 2022. Most were confined to the deep focus Vrancea zone (Romania). The maximum recorded earthquake magnitude is 5.4. Earthquakes from the territory of other neighboring states had a local character and did not significantly impact the seismicity of Ukraine’s territory. The most powerful earthquakes within the territory of Ukraine were registered in the Poltava region on July 6, 2022, and October 3, 2022. These earthquakes had a magnitude of 3.4 and a hypocenter depth of 10 km and caused shaking in the epicentral region with an intensity of up to 2 points. In addition, on January 21, 2022, there was an earthquake in the Kryvyi Rih region. This earthquake had a magnitude of 3.3, but due to the smaller depth of the hypocenter (h=5 km), it caused perceptible tremors in the area of the epicenter with an intensity of up to 3 points.

On the territory of Ukraine, most of the epicenters of registered earthquakes are located within Volyn-Podillia, the Dnieper-Donets Depression, and the Transcarpathian Depression.

The seismological bulletin of Ukraine includes detailed information on all seismic events that occurred in 2022 in the territories of Ukraine and neighboring countries.

Full information on each earthquake from the Earthquake Catalog for 2022 is provided in full in the pdf file of the article of the same name on the website of the Geophysical Journal.


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How to Cite

Andrushchenko, Y., Liashchuk, O., Farfuliak, L., Amashukeli, T., Ganiev, O., Osadchyi, V., & Petrenko, K. (2024). National Seismological Bulletin of Ukraine in 2022. Geofizicheskiy Zhurnal, 46(4).


