Search for fresh water at the border of the Priazov megablock and the Donbas


  • P.G. Pigulevskiy S.I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics,National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,Kiev,Ukraine, Ukraine
  • V.K. Svistun Dnepropetrovsk geophysical expedition «Dneprogeofizika»,Dnipro,Ukraine, Ukraine



Azov megablock, geophysical research, Folded Donbas, rock densification, underground water, water intake wells


The article presents proposals for improving the methodology and the results of reinterpretation of geoelectrical works in the Donetsk region to refine the surveyresults for underground water exploration, carried out by the «Dniprogeofizika» trust in the 1970s. In the following years, the territory was covered by large-scale gravimetric surveys during the search for various minerals. The authors performed a complex processing and reinterpretation of the available geophysical materials to identify rock-loosening zones based on gravimetric data and assessed the results’ applicability to the study of promising areas for the search for groundwater in modern conditions. A complex analysis of electrical reconnaissance materials showed the effectiveness of their reinterpretation using the data of large-scale gravimetric surveys. The gravimetric maps made it possible to correlate in more detail the tectonic disturbances with local dips detected on individual profiles and areas according to the results of vertical electric probing, and to build a general geological and tectonic framework in which discontinuous disturbances and zones of their densification were harmoniously integrated into the contours of the distribution of sedimentary deposits. Analysis showed that the more detailed the gravimetric survey, the more accurately geological and tectonic inhomogeneities in the upper part of the sedimentary cover are mapped. The use of a database of field gravimetric surveys of various years and scales allows to significantly increase the efficiency of work and reduce the economic costs of underground water searches during the selection and localization of search areas of the first and second stages. The obtained results and the developed improved method of interpretation are proposed to be used when determining the points of water intake wells, not only in the zone of where the Folded Donbass borders the Azov megablock (crystalline massif) of the Ukrainian Shield, but also in places subject to anthropogenic impact.


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How to Cite

Pigulevskiy, P., & Svistun, V. (2024). Search for fresh water at the border of the Priazov megablock and the Donbas. Geofizičeskij žurnal, 46(3).


