Geometry of a Relativistic Quantum Chaos: New approach to dynamics of quantum systems in electromagnetic field and uniformity and charm of a chaos


  • Александр Васильевич Глушков Odessa State Environmental University, Ukraine
  • Валентин Борисович Терновский Odessa State Environmental University, Ukraine
  • Василий Владимирович Буяджи Odessa State Environmental University, Ukraine
  • Георгий Петрович Препелица Odessa State Environmental University, Ukraine



Relativistic quantum chaos, quantum systems in field, chaos-geometric and quantum-dynamics approach


Work is devoted to the development of the theoretical foundations of the universal new relativistic chaos-geometric and quantum-dynamic approach that consistently includes a number of new relativistic quantum models and a number of new or improved methods of analysis (correlation integral, fractal analysis, algorithms, average mutual information, false nearest neighbors, Lyapunov exponents, surrogate data, non-linear prediction, spectral methods, etc.) to solve problems of complete modelling relativistic chaotic dynamics in an electromagnetic field. For a number of atomic systems there are firstly discovered availability of a relativistic quantum chaos and obtained the corresponding quantitative data on the chaos characteristics.

Szerző életrajzok

Александр Васильевич Глушков, Odessa State Environmental University

Department of higher and applied mathematics, Head of department, professor

Валентин Борисович Терновский, Odessa State Environmental University

Department of higher and applied mathematics, post-graduate

Василий Владимирович Буяджи, Odessa State Environmental University

Department of higher and applied mathematics, assistant

Георгий Петрович Препелица, Odessa State Environmental University

Department of information technologies, Head of department, professor


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