Features of the local immunity state of upper respiratory tract mucosa in children – pupil-orphans of children’s home and effectiveness of seasonal prophylaxis of ARVI using multicomponent herbal preparation.


  • I. L. Vysochynа SE "Dnipropetrovsk medical academy Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Ukraine




children, children's homes, local immunity, mucosal microflora of the nose and throat, seasonal prophylaxis of ARVI


A total of 116 children from children’s homes at the age from 3 to 17 years during clinical well-being were inspected. The question on possibility of immunological examination of organized groups of children and the need of seasonal prophylaxis of ARVI using multicomponent herbal preparation hase been submitted with the city department of health, city department of education, with heads of children's homes as official guardians of children, being in full compliance with the requirements of the biotic committee, considering ICH GCP guidelines and Helsinki Declaration on Bioethics, taking into account the rights of a child. The evaluation of the local immunity system in all children from orphanages during clinical well-being by non-invasive methods was done twice - before and after seasonal prophylaxis of ARVI. Standardized microbiological examination of nose and throat mucosa was used; the content of antimicrobial lactoferrin protein (test system Human Lactoferrin, Hycult ® biotech, NTV, "BioKhimMak»), α-defensins 1-3 (test system Human HNP 1-3, Hycult ® biotech, NTV, "BioKhimMak") with asses­sment of SIgA concentration (test system "Vector - BEST", Russia) in secretion of oropharyngeal cavity was determined. The presence of significant changes in the system of local immunity in the upper respiratory tract mucosa in children (101 humans) with frequent episodes of ARVI due to α-defensins 1-3 reduction and deficit of secretory immuno­globulin A concentrations in oropharyngeal secretions was shown. In 83.3% of cases this occurred in combination with dysbiosis of throat and nasal mucous membranes, the effect of dysbiosis on the local immunity state was confirmed by a correlation analysis. The efficacy of multicomponent herbal preparation in scheme of seasonal ARVI prevention in children was 88%, being proved by the formation of eubiosis of nose and throat mucous membranes in 78% of cases in combination with a significant increase of lactoferrin content and increase of S IgA concentration in the oropharyn­geal secretions in these children.


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How to Cite

Vysochynа IL. Features of the local immunity state of upper respiratory tract mucosa in children – pupil-orphans of children’s home and effectiveness of seasonal prophylaxis of ARVI using multicomponent herbal preparation. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2013Oct.2 [cited 2025Jan.7];18(3):77-83. Available from: https://journals.uran.ua/index.php/2307-0404/article/view/18997

