Experience of endovascular treatment of occlusion-stenotic lesions of cerebral arteries.


  • Yu. V. Cherednichenko




cerebral arteries, occlusion and stenotic lesion, endovascular methods


Objective — to evaluate the efficacy of endovascular techniques in the treatment of occlusion and stenotic lesions of the brachiocephalic and cerebral arteries, to define the ways of complications prevention. Materials and methods. 594 patients with occlusion and stenotic lesions of the brachiocephalic and cerebral arteries were operated by endovascular methods in endovascular center of DnipropetrovskRegionalClinicalHospitalnamed after I.I. Mechnikov. 688 endovascular operations were carried out. Most part of the operations are carotid stenting (423 operations). All of these operations were carried out with the usage of different types of antiembolic protection systems: distal, proximal or their combination. Intracranial segments of cerebral arteries were operated in 43 cases. 169 operations of stenting of vertebral arteries in extracranial segments were performed. Subclavian arteries and brachiocephal truncus were operated in 53 cases. Results. Total removal of stenosis was achieved in 588 cases (98.99%). 509 patients (85.69% of cases) had improvement in neurological status (on a scale NIHHS, Mrs., MoCA). 77 (12.96%) patients had no deterioration of neurological status. Postoperative mortality was 1.01%. Common level of other complications was 4.3 %:  cerebral complications - 2.7%. Discussion. The results of the endovascular treatment of occlusion and stenotic lesions of the cerebral arteries show high efficacy and low complication level. The ways of reduction complications level are identified. They are in a differentiated selection of antiembolic protection method, endovascular treatment planning, based on monitoring of changes in the brain hemoperfusion, the emphasis is on the use of the special neurologic deviсes. Conclusions. Endovascular treatment of occlusion and stenotic lesions of the cerebral arteries is effective with a small risk of complications. Risk can be reduced further by the differential choice of antiembolic protection methods, with the help of wide use of special cerebral balloon-catheters and stents for the treatment of stenotic pathology of intracranial arteries, by planning stages of endovascular treatment, based on the clinical data, data of cerebral hemoperfusion in various areas of the brain, and cerebral angiography.

Author Biography

Yu. V. Cherednichenko

Dnipropetrovsk Regional Clinical Hospital named after I.I. Mechnikov
Sobornaya Sq., 14, Dnepropetrovsk, 49005, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Cherednichenko YV. Experience of endovascular treatment of occlusion-stenotic lesions of cerebral arteries. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2016Mar.9 [cited 2025Jan.18];21(1):52-63. Available from: https://journals.uran.ua/index.php/2307-0404/article/view/63475

