The impact of metabolic changes in type 2 diabetes on bone turnover.




diabetes mellitus, insulin, bone remodeling


This article carried out analyzes which helps to identify risk factors associated with bone metabolism changes, and to determine indicators that are informative in terms of predicting the risk of low-traumatic fractures observed in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This study revealed some correlation between serum insulin level, bone metabolism markers and bone mass density determined at the lumbar DXA in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This suggests that the presence of type 2 diabetes in anamnesis aggravated violation of disturbances of bone remodeling, thus contributing to the development of osteoporosis. The purpose of this study was to identify complex relationships between the mineral, organic component of bone and the risk of fractures under the influence of metabolic changes associated with type 2 diabetes. This study suggests that obesity and hyperinsulinemia can not be bone-protective factors, this is confirmed by the growing body of evidence that points to the importance of measuring bone remodeling markers in combination with bone mineral density in assessing and predicting the risk of fractures. Clarification of the role of insulin in assessing bone health remains a matter of debate.

Author Biography

Sain Sattar Safarova

Azerbaijan Medical University
Department of Internal Diseases III
S. Vurgun str., 167, Baku, AZ1022, Azerbaijan


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How to Cite

Safarova SS. The impact of metabolic changes in type 2 diabetes on bone turnover. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2018Jun.25 [cited 2025Mar.11];23(2):143-7. Available from:

