Correction of posture disorders with sport and ballroom dancing.
posture disorders, sports and ballroom dancing, program, correction, childrenAbstract
Introduction – to develop a program for the prevention and correction of posture disorders in children through the wide introduction into the process of physical education of sports and ballroom dancing. In the pedagogical experiment, 169 children were randomly divided to control (n=85) and main (n=84) groups (age 11-12). All children attend secondary school. Several diagnostic tests were conducted with children and the control exercises were analyzed. With the help of the performed factor analysis, the correlation of the means to be implemented in the process of using the dance in relation to prevention and correction of posture disorders was calculated. The program of prevention and correction of posture disorders in children was based on methods of diagnostics of the functional state of the spine, the purpose, tasks and content of sports ballroom dance classes and included seven sections. The main components of the program are highlighted, its influence on the correction of posture disorders, functional state of children were experimentally tested. The main focus is on correctional dance events; measures aimed at forming skills of performing simple dance moves; measures aimed at the general physical development of children; measures aimed at preventing specific anatomical and physiological abnormalities. The program of correction of posture disorders through the introduction into the educational process of sports and ballroom dancing was based on the results of the diagnosis of the functional state of the spine, including complimentary goals and objectives. Introduction to the educational process of sports and ballroom dancing included seven sections with active involvement in this process not only children but also their parents and teaching staff.
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