Definition of quality of life in people with disabilities.


  • A. G. Kyrychenko



disability, diseases of the nervous system, quality of life


In order to determine quality of life of people with disabilities according to age, gender and functional limitations using questionnaire SF-36 study was conducted. The study was conducted by examining questionnaire data and performed using the comparison of the data in the standard forms of primary documentation. It was revealed that in disabled caused by diseases of the nervous system a significant decrease of quality of life by the most scales of SF-36 questionnaire, was noted it is reliable, valid, and a highly convenient method of assessing physical and mental health of persons with disabilities and allows to control various components of life activity and has prognostic significance with respect to the effectiveness of rehabilitation, reintegration and resocialization.

Author Biography

A. G. Kyrychenko

State Institution «Ukrainian State Institute of Medical and Social Problems of Disability
of Health Ministry of Ukraine»
Dnipropetrovsk, 49000, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Kyrychenko AG. Definition of quality of life in people with disabilities. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2014Mar.24 [cited 2025Mar.11];19(1):135-41. Available from:

