Assessing survival and prescription of injury establishment in forensic medical practice (literature review)




forensic assessment, lifespan of injury, duration of death, death


Determining the prescription of organ and tissue damage in forensic practice is of pivotal role in establishing an objective picture of the facts and circumstances. Nowadays, when the latest research methods and modern laboratory and instrumental equipment appear, there is a need to improve forensic diagnostics to establish the prescription of injuries. Although experts and scientists are trying to invent new methods and techniques for diagnosing the age of injury, this area of research will not lose relevance, given the complexity of solving problems. The purpose of this work is to analyze literature data on the use of various diagnostic methods in forensic practice to establish the prescription of injuries and assessing survival. In our study we analyzed scientific papers and data of international scientific literature on the problem of various diagnostic methods in forensic practice to establish the prescription of injuries and assessing survival. Methods used: scientific research, analytical and generalizing. The authors cite publications that set out the methods and criteria to address this issue. In particular, promising areas of application of histological, immunohistochemical methods, postmortem computed tomography are shown. The issues of establishing the prescription of cranio-cerebral injuries are considered. The role of manifestations of the body's systemic response to trauma, in particular, the neuroendocrine system, is also shown. Examples of the use of non-ischemic heart disease to diagnose the duration of dying are given.  The role of tropopnin I, creatine kinase, brain natriuretic peptide (NT-pro BNP) in the diagnosis of the duration of the traumatic process is shown. Based on a review of the literature, the authors conclude that new methods and criteria for assessing survival and prescription of injuries in forensic practice in order to unify the results of the study and avoid diagnostic errors are promising.


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How to Cite

Erhard N, Biliakov А, Volobuiev O. Assessing survival and prescription of injury establishment in forensic medical practice (literature review). Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2022Jun.28 [cited 2025Mar.7];27(2):34-8. Available from:

