Strategy for the development of the public health system of Ukraine in line with modern changes in society




public health system, development strategy, management model


The purpose of this study: scientific substantiation of the strategy for the development of the public health system of Ukraine in modern conditions of its functioning. The work used analytical, epidemiological, sociological, expert, statistical research methods, which are aimed at determining methodological approaches to the development of the competencies of public health specialists in Ukraine in the preventive block of the system, a model for staffing and industry management. According to a specially developed author's program, 120 experts - specialists of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, gave their conclusions on the need to: consolidate at the legislative level the network of institutions and staffing of the industry; employment of public health specialists who have received specialized higher medical education in the relevant positions; use adequate mechanisms for the functioning of the public health system on the basis of contractual relations with the National Health Service of Ukraine in the preventive block; creation of a unified information fund on the state of health of the population and the environment, real working conditions in different sectors of the country's economy; development of an effective and efficient program of recreational activities available at all levels of administration in Ukraine; the formation of the economic interest of the whole society in the preservation and strengthening of the country's health; to strengthen the preventive activities of the public health system of Ukraine. The environmental situation in the country requires prompt resolution of issues of risk management for public health.


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How to Cite

Khomenko I, Ivakhno O, Pershehuba Y, Zakladna N. Strategy for the development of the public health system of Ukraine in line with modern changes in society. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2022Jun.28 [cited 2025Mar.11];27(2):168-74. Available from:

