Substaniation of antimicrobial dressings use in surgery.


  • G. K. Paliy
  • O. A. Nazarchuk
  • O. I. Kulakov
  • V. G. Paliy
  • S. A. Nazarchuk
  • D. V. Paliy
  • Y. V. Kordon
  • O. O. Gonchar



antimicrobial dressings, decamethoxin, chlorhexidine digluconate, furagin, pharmacokinetics


Antimicrobial materials incorporate in their structure modern antiseptics, which have the ability of dischargeng in the environment and provide death of opportunistic microorganisms. The results of the research of antimicrobial qualities of modern dressings, which include decamethoxine, chlorhexidine digluconate, furagin are shown. It was found that strains of Staphylococcus spp., Escherichia spp., Pseudomonas spp. are of high sensitivity to decamethoxin in dressing materials in comparison with textile materials, finished with chlorhexidine digluconate, furagin. The kinetics of decamethoxin release from antimicrobial materials is presented in the article. It was proven, that the release of decametoxin from antimicrobial materials in the environment occurs due to the diffusion and hydrolytic destruction of polymers in aqueous phase, which continues during 15 days.

Author Biographies

G. K. Paliy

Vinnitsa N.I. Pyrogov Memorial National Medical University MH of Ukraine, Vinnitsa
Pyrogov str., 56, Vinnitsya, 21018, Ukraine

O. A. Nazarchuk

Vinnitsa N.I. Pyrogov Memorial National Medical University MH of Ukraine, Vinnitsa
Pyrogov str., 56, Vinnitsya, 21018, Ukraine

O. I. Kulakov

Khmelnytskyi National University*
Institutska str., 11, Khmelnytskyi, 29000, Ukraine

V. G. Paliy

Vinnitsa N.I. Pyrogov Memorial National Medical University MH of Ukraine, Vinnitsa
Pyrogov str., 56, Vinnitsya, 21018, Ukraine

S. A. Nazarchuk

Khmelnytskyi Regional Oncological Dispensary
Pilotska str., 1, Khmelnytskyi, 29000, Ukraine

D. V. Paliy

Vinnitsa N.I. Pyrogov Memorial National Medical University MH of Ukraine, Vinnitsa
Pyrogov str., 56, Vinnitsya, 21018, Ukraine

Y. V. Kordon

Vinnitsa N.I. Pyrogov Memorial National Medical University MH of Ukraine, Vinnitsa
Pyrogov str., 56, Vinnitsya, 21018, Ukraine

O. O. Gonchar

Vinnitsa N.I. Pyrogov Memorial National Medical University MH of Ukraine, Vinnitsa
Pyrogov str., 56, Vinnitsya, 21018, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Paliy GK, Nazarchuk OA, Kulakov OI, Paliy VG, Nazarchuk SA, Paliy DV, Kordon YV, Gonchar OO. Substaniation of antimicrobial dressings use in surgery. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2014Jun.18 [cited 2024Jul.17];19(2):152-8. Available from:

