The peculiarities of formation of circulatory system pathology of evacuated adult population exposed to ionizing radiation on thyroid gland after the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.


  • O. A. Kapustinskaia



evacuated population, thyroid gland morbidity circulatory system, pathology


The aim of the research - analysis of the structure and dynamics of the morbidity among eva­cuated population, the peculiarities of pathogenesis of the most widespread forms of circulatory system (CS) pathology in the remote period after the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Materials and methods. Three groups of persons evacuated from Chernobyl zone of alienation were researched: persons aged 10-17 (6517 persons), 18-39 (496 persons), 40-60 (458 persons). The data on the individual radiation doses which affected thyroid gland were selected at the State Register of Ukraine on persons affected by the Chernobyl disaster. Morbidity rate was estimated per 103 man-year for 5-years periods of monitoring. The main results: Time from the moment ofChernobyl accident affected the formation of morbidity structure of evacuated population. It was fixed two peaks of morbidity incidence - initial and in 12 years. The most essential changes in CS morbidity of evacuated population were fixed 26 years later mainly in cere­brovascular diseases. The coronary artery disease takes the first place in the morbidity structure. Significant dif­ferences were detected at age-specific aspect. The evacuated adult population aged 18-39 years was the most vulnerable for the development of CS diseases. Adverse health effects confirmed the necessity of further research of CS morbidity with the differentiation of doses affected  thyroid gland.

Author Biography

O. A. Kapustinskaia

SI «National Research Centre for Radiation Medicine Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»
Melnikova str., 53, Kyev, 04050, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Kapustinskaia OA. The peculiarities of formation of circulatory system pathology of evacuated adult population exposed to ionizing radiation on thyroid gland after the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2014Nov.24 [cited 2025Mar.11];19(4):169-77. Available from:

