Medicaments administration into the subtenon eye space in treatment of anterior ischemic neuropathy.
DOI:Ключевые слова:
anterior ischemic neuropathy, subtenon eye space, treatmentАннотация
In spite of treatment provided inanterior ischemic neuropathy, a prognosis for visual functions is poor and depends on severity of affection ofvascular system of the body. We have studied the exposure to cortexin and diprospan in subtenon administration on the eye hemodynamics in 18 patients experiencing anterior ischemic neuropathy(18 eyes) who have been treated operatively (administration of cortexin and diprospan into the subtenon space of the affected eye) against the background of complex conservative prevention. The control group was constituted of 16 patients (16 eyes) who have not been treated operatively. As a result of provided treatment the patients of the basic group showed increase of vision acuity, field of view limits and eye ground state.
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