Improvement of the system of supply of the Ukrainian Armed Forces with hemotransfusion agents.


  • A. D. Zamkovyi
  • A. S. Tymchenko


Ключевые слова:

blood, blood component, settlement of accounts of blood component supplement of military medical facilities


The main research results substantiating the system of transfusion supply of military medical facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during peacetime and in the special period are presented. It was proved that the aim of development of blood bank is to create the system of provision with blood, its components and protein preparations of blood plasma of hospitals both in terms of daily activity and at the time of their usage.

Биографии авторов

A. D. Zamkovyi

Center of blood of Armed forces of Ukraine
Gospitalnaya st. 18, Kyiv, 01133, Ukraine
SI “Iinstitute of haematology and transfusiology NAMS Ukraine”
M. Berlinskogo st., 12, Kyiv, 04060, Ukraine

A. S. Tymchenko

Center of blood of Armed forces of Ukraine
Gospitalnaya st. 18, Kyiv, 01133, Ukraine
SI “Iinstitute of haematology and transfusiology NAMS Ukraine”
M. Berlinskogo st., 12, Kyiv, 04060, Ukraine

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Как цитировать

Zamkovyi AD, Tymchenko AS. Improvement of the system of supply of the Ukrainian Armed Forces with hemotransfusion agents. Med. perspekt. [Интернет]. 29 июнь 2017 г. [цитируется по 18 июль 2024 г.];22(2):44-51. доступно на:

