Clinical features of pregnancy in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and type I diabetes mellitus comorbidities (a case report).


  • O. M. Raznatovska
  • A. V. Fedorec
  • M. O. Shalmina
  • T. A. Grekova


Ключевые слова:

pregnancy, multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, type 1 diabetes mellitus


Objective – to update the literature data with the clinical features of pregnancy in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MRD-TB) and type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) comorbidities based on an example from own clinical experience. A clinical case of pregnancy course in MRD-TB and T1DM comorbidities was described based on our own clinical experience. We report the clinical case of newly diagnosed MRD-TB in a 38-year-old woman suffering from T1DM. Her general condition was unstable from satisfactory to moderately severe despite an adequate treatment of MRD-TB and T1DM with manifestations of intoxication syndrome and nephropathy. Adenomyosis with periodic bloody vaginal discharge was diagnosed. There was no clinical-radiological dynamics and sputum culture conversion. After an intensive phase of antimycobacterial therapy within 3 months, the patient got pregnant. Based on the medical indications (MRD-TB, absence of sputum culture conversion and clinical-radiological dynamics, moderate severity of T1DM, nephropathy) and adenomyosis with bloody vaginal discharge, the patient was requested to induce the pregnancy termination, and she consented. On month 7 of antimycobacterial therapy, an extensive drug-resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to antimycobacterial agents and negative dynamics by follow-up chest X-ray were diagnosed. The feature of pregnancy course in MRD-TB and T1DM comorbidities was an unfavorable coexistence of both these diseases simultaneously resulting in an induced abortion. In this case, doctors to working with patients suffering from both MRD-TB and T1DM are recommended to advise patients the use of contraception in order to prevent pregnancy during treatment of active MRD-TB.

Биографии авторов

O. M. Raznatovska

Zaporizhzhia State Medical University 1
Maiakovskyi av., 26, Zaporizhzhia, 69035, Ukraine

A. V. Fedorec

MI «Zaporizhzhia Regional TB Clinical Dispensary» 2
Perspektyvna, 2, Zaporizhzhia, 69106, Ukraine
Запорізький державний медичний університет 

M. O. Shalmina

Zaporizhzhia State Medical University 1
Maiakovskyi av., 26, Zaporizhzhia, 69035, Ukraine

T. A. Grekova

Zaporizhzhia State Medical University 1
Maiakovskyi av., 26, Zaporizhzhia, 69035, Ukraine

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Как цитировать

Raznatovska OM, Fedorec AV, Shalmina MO, Grekova TA. Clinical features of pregnancy in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and type I diabetes mellitus comorbidities (a case report). Med. perspekt. [Интернет]. 5 ноябрь 2019 г. [цитируется по 17 июль 2024 г.];24(3):101-5. доступно на:

