The role of students’ individual work in the formation of professional competences of future doctors.



Ключевые слова:

professional competences, students’ individual work, higher medical education


Modern requirements for training of high-skilled specialists require the implementation of international medical and educational standards in the educational and integrative process. Formation of cognitive activity, pursuance of professional development, the necessity to correspond to world standards medical students’ of gained knowledge. Medical students’ individual work is very important for medical students’ education because it helps to systematize and use knowledge that was gained in practical classes. The aim of the work – to analyze the forms of students’ individual work, used at in the Department of Internal Medicine 2 and Phthisiology, in order to improve the educational process and to form the future doctor’s medical judgment, their ability to self-improvement and self-education. The recommended hours attempted for students’ individual work is 90 out of the total of 240 hours assigned to the discipline in teaching the module “internal diseases” for the 5th year students at the Depertment of Internal Medicine 2 and Phthisiology. In studying the discipline of "internal diseases" in the 5th year one of the main tasks of medical student’s occupation training is mastering ability of assimilation on his own, of knowledge and refresh it, and then to use knowledge effectively in the future career. The difference of the individual work lies in the fact that students can study individually choosing the necessary kind of extracurricular activity according to their interests. In addition, the lack of strict grading by the teacher has more advantages compared to practical classes. The curriculum, the teacher’s tasks and methodological materials determine the content of the individual work. The article presents the three main directions of students’ individual work in teaching discipline of "internal diseases" for students of the 5th year as: students’ individual work in classroom learning, students’ individual work individual work under the teacher’s supervision. When discussing the results of individual work, students learn to think critically, communicate with each other, and make their own well-thought-out (educated) decision. Well-structured process of the individual work encourages medical students to its qualitative fulfillment and it is a significant motivation for further professional growth. Significant reserves to increase its efficiency inherent in the use of modern computer technology. Medical students’ individual work should be considered as one of the necessary stages of a modern doctor training. The latest information technologies and individual scientific projects adoption into the educational process leads to efficiency improvement and it forms new future doctor’s professional competences.

Биографии авторов

O. V. Kuryta

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine»
Department of internal medicine 2 and phthisiology
V. Vernadsky str., 9, Dnipro, 49044, Ukraine

K. H. Karapetian

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine»
Department of internal medicine 2 and phthisiology
V. Vernadsky str., 9, Dnipro, 49044, Ukraine

Ye. O. Frolova

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine»
Department of internal medicine 2 and phthisiology
V. Vernadsky str., 9, Dnipro, 49044, Ukraine

Yu. S. Kushnir

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine»
Department of internal medicine 2 and phthisiology
V. Vernadsky str., 9, Dnipro, 49044, Ukraine

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Как цитировать

Kuryta OV, Karapetian KH, Frolova YO, Kushnir YS. The role of students’ individual work in the formation of professional competences of future doctors. Med. perspekt. [Интернет]. 1 июль 2020 г. [цитируется по 17 июль 2024 г.];25(2):25-9. доступно на:

