Dynamics of immunological reactivity indices in patients with laryngal papillomatosis at different periods after complex treatment with antivirus qudrivalent vaccine "Gardasil"
https://doi.org/10.26641/2307-0404.2020.3.214820Ключевые слова:
laryngeal papillomatosis, immunological reactivity, antirelapse therapy, antiviral quadrivalent vaccineАннотация
The aim of the study is to determine disorders of immune homeostasis in patients with laryngeal papillomatosis at different periods after complex treatment with the inclusion of the “Gardasil” quadrivalent vaccine in the adjuvant therapy. Studies of the immunity state were conducted in 26 patients with laryngeal papillomatosis (LP) before, 2-12 and 13-29 months after complex treatment, consisting of surgical removal of papillomas and anti-relapse therapy, including inhalation of Laferobion, taking a vitamin-mineral complex and a course of vaccination with antiviral “Gardasil” quadrivalent vaccine according to which the second and third injections were administered in 2 and 6 months after the first. Significant disorders of cellular and humoral immunity indices in patients with LP were revealed in the form of multidirectional changes in the functional activity of natural killer cells, a decrease in the total number of T lymphocytes, mainly due to CD4 + subpopulation, increase in circulating immune complexes level in blood serum and concentration of secretory IgA in the secretion of the oropharynx. Disbalance in the patient’s cytokine system resulted in increased γ-IFN and TNF-α serum levels, an increase in spontaneous production of interferon and inhibition of stimulated production of λ - and γ-interferon by blood cells in vitro. Complex treatment with the use of the “Gardasil” quadrivalent antiviral vaccine in the postoperative period contributed to the normalization of most immunological reactivity indices that were altered in patients. The results indicate the prospects of using the antiviral vaccine as part of adjuvant antirelapse therapy after surgical treatment of LP patients and indicate the advisability of long-term clinical and immunological monitoring at different periods after vaccination.
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