Clinical and psychopathological features of course and correction of depressive disorders in patients with brain tumors, prevention and rehabilitation
DOI:Ключові слова:
brain tumors, mental and depressive disorders, experimental psychological research, psychotherapeutic correction, prevention, rehabilitationАнотація
The article studys the psychological characteristics in patients with brain tumors of different localization which allows to reduce the diagnostic period and, as a result, minimize the time of early detection and the consequences of the surgical treatment of this pathology, and to cause a positive effect on preventing the development of psychopathological disorders at the hospital stage. Analysis of the clinical manifestations of depressive disorders of the subclinical level revealed their polymorphism: depression was accompanied by various variants of asthenic (prevalence of dyssomnias, psychalgia, adynamia and anxiety component) and anxiety (prevalence of senestopathies, hypochondria, phobia) states. The revealed symptom complexes of psychopathological and pathopsychological characteristics of the patient's condition were the clinical justification for the choice of methods of psychotherapeutic correction. Adjuvant psychological therapy, individual rational and family psychotherapy were used as the basic method of psychotherapeutic influence. Pharmacological correction included: anxiolytics, antidepressants, atypical mild antipsychotics in low doses. The results of the SCL-90-R test demonstrate the effectiveness of the comprehensive treatment aimed at preventing and reducing the manifestations of psychopathological symptoms. Comparison of the mean values of the SCL-90-R test revealed significant differences in such indicators as somatization (p<0.05), depressiveness (p<0.01), anxiety (p<0.05); high statistical significance is noted in the “index of symptom severity” integral indicator (p<0.01). Obtained results of psychological and psychiatric research became the basis for the development of differential diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis and prevention of the development of mental disorders.
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