About the need of organization of clinical examination of young people with small developmental heart abnormalities.
https://doi.org/10.26641/2307-0404.2014.1.24733Ключевые слова:
small malformations of the heart development, mitral valve prolapse, physical exercises, echocardiographyАннотация
Due to the significant increase of complications developing in young people suffering from low cardiac abnormalities, detection of this disease is important. The aim of the study was to analyze the prevalence and structure of cardiovascular diseases in persone aged 18-21 years who have referred to the medical center of Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy in the period from 2012 to 2013 in order to determine the mode of physicol exercises. We examined 268 students of 1-2 courses of medical academy, who, along with the clinical examination underwent standard echocardiography 2 times a year. It is established that in the structure of cardiovascular diseases in the studied group small anomalies of the heart occupy the first place; valve pathology the second place. In the structure of small abnormality of the heart, mitral valve prolapse is detected the most frequently. Since this anomaly affects the level of tolerance to physical stress and can lead to heart disorder, routine screening of patients with this disease is mandatory and must be carried out to address the choice of the level of physical activity.Библиографические ссылки
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