Analysis of expectations and satisfaction of physicians (provisors)-interns in Ukraine at the stage of primary specialization – internship training
DOI:Ключевые слова:
physians (provisors)-interns, full-time internship training, extramural or practical part of internship trainingАннотация
The aim of the study is to identify the expectations of physicians (provisors)-interns for postgraduate education and assess their satisfaction with the course of primary specialization (internship). The sociological crossectional study was performed in 2021 by surveying interns of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University majoring in the following medical specialties: “Medicine” and “Pediatrics”, “Dentistry”, “Pharmacy”. The survey took place in two groups: applicants at the beginning of the internship (n=655) and after completion of the internship (n=623). Statistical methods (which are represented with confidence intervals calculated by the Fisher’s angular transformation method), structural-logical analysis and a systematic approach were used. The study revealed that the most effective form of training in the full-time internship cycle are practical classes and conferences for physicians(provisors)-interns; the least effective form is independent work. The main factors that prevented the interns from mastering the professional knowledge, skills and abilities of the internship cycle are limited opportunities for independent supervision of patients, material and technical equipment of the clinical base of the department and the interns’ own inertia. Certain shortcomings in the organization of the practical part of the internship on the basis of the hospital / pharmacy were established, namely: lack of supervision of patients, lack of practical activities, unsatisfactory material and technical equipment and disinterest of the staff in the training of interns. According to interns, the ideal model of internship should be available, that would provide the optimal amount of theoretical knowledge and relevant practical skills and would be as relevant to the future work of the physician as possible. Applicants emphasize the qualitative component of obtaining postgraduate medical education: the use of new treatment protocols, training in hospital of the third level of medical care, the possibility of doing internships abroad. Such sociological surveys among physians (provisors)-interns on their satisfaction and compliance with expectations are an important component of the development of an optimized Model of postgraduate education of doctors / provisors in Ukraine, which will improve the quality of primary specialization (internship), the ultimate goal of which is health preservation and improvement of the life expectancy of Ukrainian citizens.
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