Current state and strategic directions of development of state management of nursing education in Ukraine
DOI:Ключевые слова:
system of medical education, public administration, nursing, strategic development, continuous professional development, health care, reform, medical aidАннотация
The article presents the results of the study of the current state of public administration and strategic directions of development of nursing education in Ukraine by on the example of Dnipropetrovsk region. The region was chosen because it ranks second in Ukraine in terms of population (first place Donetsk region). The purpose of the study is to determine the strategic prospects for reform and effective development of the medical sector, in particular the education system of health workers on the basis of the study of the current state of public health management. The article has a conceptual nature, so the following research methods were chosen: systematization and generalization; analysis and specification; abstract-logical. An analysis of the scientific database of domestic and foreign researchers found that public administration of the secondary medical education system, including the health care system, is in crisis and is characterized by globality, longevity and complexity. According to the results of statistical processing of primary data, it was found that despite the high level of graduates in the specialty «223 Nursing» of degrees professional junior bachelor and bachelor for five years (from 2016 to 2020) the number of nurses decreased by 21.6004% and this negative trend continues. State management of nursing education was defined as a special type of professional activity, the purpose and result of which is to ensure, support life and dynamic development of the industry whose main mechanisms are: regulatory-legal, coordination, organizational-motivational, educational-pedagogical, economic. The article emphasizes the need to develop strategic directions for the development of public administration in the system of medical education, which would provide medical institutions with highly qualified specialists, taking into account the market of educational services and the needs of society, to create and implement an effective resource mobilization mechanism to meet the needs of medical education, taking into account continuous professional development to train highly qualified professionals.
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