Biomineralization of magnet nanoparticles with bacterial symbionts of man.


  • S. V. Horobets
  • О. Yu. Horobets
  • К. О. Butenko
  • Yu. М. Chyzh


Ключевые слова:

magnetic nanoparticles, biomineralization, human’s bacteria


Bioinformationalanalysisofhuman’sbacterialsymbionts (BS) tostudytheprocessofbiomineralizationofbiogenicmagneticnanoparticles (BMN) was conducted.For this purpose in this paper a comparative analysis of amino acid sequences of proteins of magnetosome island of magnetotactic bacteria (MI MTB) with human BS proteins using the program "BLAST-online" was made. A number of human BS may be potential producers of magnetic nanoparticles as evidenced by the experimental work of other authors. Considering obtained results it was shown that the interaction between tumor cells and some strains of  human’s BS may occur due to the forces of magnetic dipole interaction, occuring between the endogenous magnetic nanoparticles of tumor cells and endogenous magnetosensitive particles of bacteria.

Биографии авторов

S. V. Horobets

Национальный технический университет Украины
«Киевский политехнический институт»
Департамента биотехнологии и биотехника
кафедры биоинформатики
Победы, пр., 37, Киев, 03056, Украина

О. Yu. Horobets

National technical university of Ukraine
«Kyiv polytechnical institute»
Department of biotechnology and biotechnics
chair of bioinformatics
Peremogi av., 37, Kiev, 03056, Ukraine

К. О. Butenko

National technical university of Ukraine
«Kyiv polytechnical institute»
Department of biotechnology and biotechnics
chair of bioinformatics
Peremogi av., 37, Kiev, 03056, Ukraine

Yu. М. Chyzh

National technical university of Ukraine
«Kyiv polytechnical institute»
Department of biotechnology and biotechnics
chair of bioinformatics
Peremogi av., 37, Kiev, 03056, Ukraine

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Как цитировать

Horobets SV, Horobets ОY, Butenko КО, Chyzh YМ. Biomineralization of magnet nanoparticles with bacterial symbionts of man. Med. perspekt. [Интернет]. 18 июнь 2014 г. [цитируется по 17 июль 2024 г.];19(2):4-12. доступно на:

