Nutrition status as a criterion of donosologic diagnostics of teenagers health.


  • S. А. Schudro


Ключевые слова:

nutrition status, anaemia, deficit of ascorbic acid, physical and mental capacity, health of teenagers


The primary purpose – to give estimation ofnutrition status indexes of teenagers and define their role in donosologichealth diagnostics. In the work it is proved that in 17,1% of girls anaemia was diagnosed, in 53,9% – latent deficit of iron. Clinically, symptoms of ascorbic acid deficiency were educed in 50,0%, and its maintenance in the blood serum was reducedin 70,0% of inspected. It is shown that anaemias and latent deficit of iron in teenagers are associated with their activity, anxiety and physical capacity; deficit of ascorbic acid − with the changes of amino acid composition of blood and activity; violations of proteometabolism − with general state, anxiety and physical capacity; increase of both lipids and blood glucose − with their activity; violation of cellular immunity − with activity and general state, and humoral immunity − with the mental capacity of teenagers. It is necessary to take into account all these violations in donosologicdiagnostics of health of the rising generation.

Биография автора

S. А. Schudro

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine»
Oktyabrskaya sq., 4, Dnipropetrovsk, 49027, Ukraine

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Schudro SА. Nutrition status as a criterion of donosologic diagnostics of teenagers health. Med. perspekt. [Интернет]. 8 июнь 2015 г. [цитируется по 18 июль 2024 г.];20(2):117-23. доступно на:

