Complex estimation of functional changes in the organism of healthy rats which consumed water of the lake Kagul as drinking water.


  • L. I. Kovalchuk
  • A. V. Mokiyenko
  • B. A. Nasibullin
  • L. B. Solodova
  • S. G. Guscha
  • O. Ya. Oleshko
  • O. I. Bakholdina


Ключевые слова:

water, lake Kagul, a chemical compound, anthropogenous pollutants, cyanobacteriaе, biological effects, rats


In the work results of a complex estimation of functional changes in an organism of healthy rats which consumed water of the lake of Kagul as drinking water are given. Conformity of water of the lake of Kagul to requirements of operating standard documents except for nitrogen ammonia, nitrogen nitrit and the general organic carbon is established. 3 kinds of cyanobacteriaе, in particular high levels of Aphanocapsa pulverea, which causes water "flowering" are revealed. It is shown that the use of water of the lake of Kagul as drinking, causes strengthening of activity of central nervous system in healthy rats; some increase of possibilities of organism sensitisation development and specific phagocytosis, certain displays of disbalance of hummoral component of the immune response and expansion of autoimmune processes in the organism. In the view of absence of hyginicaly significant concentration of anthropogenous pollutants, the idea that the revealed biological effects are a consequence of cyanotoxins action produced by revealed cyanobacteriaе is presented. Necessity of expansion and continuation of researches on cyanobacteriaе in the context of their revealing in water, their identifications, influences of these xenobiotics on condition of warm-blooded animals and the human is proved.

Биографии авторов

L. I. Kovalchuk

Оdessa National medical University
Lane Valikhovsky, 2, Odessa, 65000, Ukraine

A. V. Mokiyenko

State Enterprise Ukrainian Research Institute for Medicine of Transport of the Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine
Kanatnaya str., 92, Odessa, 65000, Ukraine

B. A. Nasibullin

Public institution «Ukrainian Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine» ***
Lane Lermontovsky, 6, Odessa, 65000, Ukraine

L. B. Solodova

Public institution «Ukrainian Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine» ***
Lane Lermontovsky, 6, Odessa, 65000, Ukraine

S. G. Guscha

Public institution «Ukrainian Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine» ***
Lane Lermontovsky, 6, Odessa, 65000, Ukraine

O. Ya. Oleshko

Public institution «Ukrainian Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine» ***
Lane Lermontovsky, 6, Odessa, 65000, Ukraine

O. I. Bakholdina

Public institution «Ukrainian Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine» ***
Lane Lermontovsky, 6, Odessa, 65000, Ukraine

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Kovalchuk LI, Mokiyenko AV, Nasibullin BA, Solodova LB, Guscha SG, Oleshko OY, Bakholdina OI. Complex estimation of functional changes in the organism of healthy rats which consumed water of the lake Kagul as drinking water. Med. perspekt. [Интернет]. 8 июнь 2015 г. [цитируется по 18 июль 2024 г.];20(2):124-30. доступно на:

