The functional status of the professional football players during functional testing procedure.


  • P. P. Pavlichenko


Ключевые слова:

functional status, functional readiness, technique, heart rate variability, gas analysis


The purpose of the investigation was the analysis of the functional status of professional football players during the special functional testing procedure (shuttle test). We used different testing methods such as an ergometry, gas analyzing, pulsemetry, and biochemical blood lactate level measuring for checking up physical conditioning. The technique “PHAZAGRAF” was used for assessment of the functional status of players by measuring the βТ -index of symmetry of T-wave in standard ECG and for testing of vegetative system tonus. We used mathematic methods for data processing. The test of physical readiness showed 11 players with high level capacity to aerobic work with the result of more than 885 seconds. Low result was fixed when the player`s run-time was less than 820 seconds. The findings showed that functional status failures are attendant with βТ -increasing and lowering of total aerobic readiness. This is revealed in lowering of the maximum oxygen consumption that showed lowering of total aerobic capacity. There was also found that increasing of the standard deviation of βТ -index could accompany lowering of the running time in the shuttle test. Therewith, vegetative tonus failures in the form of prevailing of sympathetic system activity are not obligatory followed with failures of special or total capacity to work.

Биография автора

P. P. Pavlichenko

Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Health Ministry of Ukraine
Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine
Sports Medical Committee of the Football Federation of Ukraine

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Pavlichenko PP. The functional status of the professional football players during functional testing procedure. Med. perspekt. [Интернет]. 25 ноябрь 2015 г. [цитируется по 7 июль 2024 г.];20(4):65-71. доступно на:

