Change of oral microbiocenosis in students with dental caries and chronic catarrhal gingivitis in the dynamics of treatment.


  • E. G. Shvartsnau
  • O. M. Kucherenko


Ключевые слова:

basic dental diseases, microbiocenosis, students


The violation of microecology plays the important role in the pathogenesis of oral diseases. The question of correction of microecological violations in diseases of hard dental tissues and inflammatory periodontal diseases of young patients is still not enough studied.The aim. This study aims to examine changes of oral  microbiocenosis of students with major dental diseases during the treatment.The change in state of oral microbiocenosis has been evaluated in medical students of two age groups: 14-17 years and 18–22 years, in the dynamics of treatment of major dental diseases by developed methods using monotherapy of applications of mucosal gel and combination of mucosal gel and ultraphonophoresis with galaskorbin according to the data which were obtained from the main habitat of the oral cavity: the content of the periodontal groove (gingival fluid), plaque from the vestibular surface of the lower molars, oral fluid.The usage of applications of mucosal gel Kvertgial  in students aged 14-22 years removes disbiotic violations and restores normal biocenosis in the oral cavity. Identification of certain microorganisms, estimation of their amount and localization will allow to predict the course of lesions in the oral cavity in terms of causative agent nature and to take preventive measures beforehand with the use of mucosal gel Kvertgial.

Биографии авторов

E. G. Shvartsnau

SE «The Institute of Stomatology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»
Rishel'evskaya str., 11, Odessa, 65026, Ukraine

O. M. Kucherenko

SE «Dnepropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine» *
Department of Pediatric Dentistry
Dzerzhinsky str., 9, Dnepropetrovsk, 49044, Ukraine

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Shvartsnau EG, Kucherenko OM. Change of oral microbiocenosis in students with dental caries and chronic catarrhal gingivitis in the dynamics of treatment. Med. perspekt. [Интернет]. 25 ноябрь 2015 г. [цитируется по 7 июль 2024 г.];20(4):72-9. доступно на:

