The impact of obesity on the structure of osteoarthrosis of large joints of the lower limb.


  • A. E. Loskutov
  • A. V. Kuryata
  • A. V. Cherkasova


Ключові слова:

obesity, osteoarthrosis of knee and hip joints, total joints replacement


The prevalence of osteoarthrosis (OA) among adults over 40 years is taking one of the leading places in the common structure of joint pathology. Obesity – is of the comorbidities associated with OA, one of the risk factors of development and progression of OA. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of obesity on the structure of knee and hip OA on the stage of total joint replacement, depending on the patient`s gender, age and degree of obesity. The study involved 170 inpatient case histories of patients with OA undergoing treatment in the department of  large joints replacement (64 men and 106 women): 95 patients with OA of hip joint and 75 – with OA of knee joint, among whom there were 110 patients with obesity and 60 – without it. The middle age of the patients was by 63,8±7,69 years. High prevalence of obesity among patients with OA of knee and hip joints was found, with significant higher number of obese patients with OA of knee joint and among female patients. It has been demonstrated a significant increase in the frequency of total knee joint replacement associated with the increase of body mass index among patients with OA of knee joint. The presence of obesity was associated with earlier terms of the total joint replacement performing, especially among male patients.

Біографії авторів

A. E. Loskutov

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine»
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology

A. V. Kuryata

Department of Internal Medicine 2

A. V. Cherkasova

Department of Internal Medicine 2


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Як цитувати

Loskutov AE, Kuryata AV, Cherkasova AV. The impact of obesity on the structure of osteoarthrosis of large joints of the lower limb. Med. perspekt. [інтернет]. 29, Червень 2017 [цит. за 18, Липень 2024];22(2):52-9. доступний у:

