Peculiarities of clinical development of schizophrenia with comorbid somatic disorders.


  • Ye. V. Oprya


Ключові слова:

schizophrenia, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus of type II, obesity, clinical-psychopathological characteristics


In order to identify the clinical features of schizophrenia associated with somatic diseases, 186 patients with schizophrenia (50 patients with schizophrenia with cardiovascular diseases, 42 patients with schizophrenia with type 2 diabetes, 44 patients with schizophrenia with obesity and 50 patients with schizophrenia without chronic somatic diseases) were surveyed. Socio-demographic, clinical-dynamic and clinical-psychopathological features of schizophrenia (according to PANSS scale), connected with somatic diseases in a comparative aspect with patients with schizophrenia without somatic pathology were studied. It was found that somatic pathology combined with schizophrenia aggravates psychopathological symptoms, modifies clinical manifestations of schizophrenia and is associated with decrease in the level of social realization of patients, increase in the number of hospitalizations and a significant course of psychotic process. Among clinical features of schizophrenia with somatic disorders there was defined: in cardiovascular diseases - the presence of hallucinatory behavior, hypochondrial ideas and anxiety-depressive symptoms; in type 2 diabetes - hallucinatory activity in combination with excitement, impulsivity, hypochondrial ideas, depressive symptoms, and attention deficit, in obesity - the prevalence of negative symptoms over positive, expressed social rejection, depletion of social contacts and the presence of depressive experiences.

Біографія автора

Ye. V. Oprya

Odesa National Medical University
Vorobjova str., 9, Odesa, 65082, Ukraine


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Як цитувати

Oprya YV. Peculiarities of clinical development of schizophrenia with comorbid somatic disorders. Med. perspekt. [інтернет]. 25, Червень 2018 [цит. за 19, Грудень 2024];23(2):138-43. доступний у:

