Correction of microcirculation disorders in diseases of digestion organs of professional etiology in the rehabilitation period in mutimorbid patients.


  • N. N. Surmilo
  • O. V. Kovaliova


Ключові слова:

polymorbidity, central and regional hemodynamics, microcirculation, professional illnesses of organs of digestion, rehabilitation


In-process on the basis of literary data and own researches a conclusion that gastrovascular continuum is a component part of cardiovascular physiological (during aging) and pathological process as a result of inflammation of microvasculature in acute and relapses of chronic illnesses of organs of digestion is drawn. It is set that in the diseases of digestion organs there is violation of central and regional hemodynamics and  connected with them capillary disorders. Treatment regimens for application by family doctors and rehabilitation physicians, by medical attendants during medical rehabilitation of patients with illnesses of digestion organs of professional etiology are offered.

Біографії авторів

N. N. Surmilo

SI «Zaporizhia Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education Ministry of Health of Ukraine»
Vintera boul., 20, Zaporizhia, 69096, Ukraine

O. V. Kovaliova

SI «Zaporizhia Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education Ministry of Health of Ukraine»
Vintera boul., 20, Zaporizhia, 69096, Ukraine


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Як цитувати

Surmilo NN, Kovaliova OV. Correction of microcirculation disorders in diseases of digestion organs of professional etiology in the rehabilitation period in mutimorbid patients. Med. perspekt. [інтернет]. 26, Жовтень 2018 [цит. за 21, Грудень 2024];23(3(part1):202-9. доступний у:

