Оцінка ефективності застосування препаратів «Ехінацея композитум С» і «Терафлекс» при ортодонтичному переміщенні зубів на тлі експериментального зобу
https://doi.org/10.26641/2307-0404.2013.2.15970Ключові слова:
експериментальний зоб, фосфатази, протеїнази, ортодонтія, переміщення зубівАнотація
Disturbances of the thyroid status may be negatively reflected on the biological processes underlying orthodontic tooth movement. Research object – in experiment to estimate efficacy of application of drug complex with osteotropic and immunomodulating action in orthodontic moving of teeth (ОМT) on the background of euthyroid goiter. In 75 rats of Vistar line of gregarious breeding (females, 5 months, 210±28 g) experimental goiter was modeled by injection of 1% perchlorate potassium solution with drinking water within 20 days. Intragastric solution of potassium Iodidum (PI) in the dose of 20 mkg/kg was introduced to rats of the 3rd, 4th and 5th groups from the 22nd day. Intragastrically drug «Echinacea compositum C» was introduced to animals of the 3rd and 5th groups from the 22nd day during 5 days. OMT was reproduced on the 29th day from the beginning of experiment. On the background of PI injection, teraflex in a dose on glucosaminglican of 750 mg/kg was introduced to the rats of the 4th and 5th groups. A mandible for calculation of carious cavities and definition of atrophy degree of an alveolar process, and the maxilla – for definition of alkaline activity, acidic phosphatase, elastase and general proteolytic activity (GPA), pulp of incisors – for phosphatases definition of activity were isolated. Echinacea compositum, potassium Iodidum and teraflex in the idea of monotherapy caused some positive influence on phosphatases of an alveolar bone. To completely prevent disturbances of activity of bone phosphatases and proteinases was possibly only at application of a full complex: PІ – throughout all treatment, echinacea compositum C – before fixation of closing springs, teraflex – after fixation. Thus, stage-by-stage use of drugs – potassium Iodidum, «Echinacea compositum C» and Teraflex promoted to normalization of activity of alkaline and acidic phosphatase in pulp and bone tissue of alveolar process, and rendered protective action on proteinase of bone tissue of jaws of experimental animals as well.
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