Psychohygienic estimation of features of the formation of properties of character of pupils aged 14-17 years in the dynamics of learning at modern schools.
DOI:Ключові слова:
school, pupils 14-17 years old, properties of character, psychohygienic estimationАнотація
The aim of scientific work was psychohygienic estimation of features of the formation of properties of character of pupils aged 14-17 years old in the dynamics of learning at modern schools. The studies were conducted on the basis of secondary schools in the city of Vinnitsya. Evaluation of the formation of properties of character was carried out using a personality questionnaire Mini-mult. It was determined that in the structure of personal profile of properties of character in girls aged 14-17 years during the period of study at school predominance of characterologic features according to schizoid scales (Se) and pscychasthenia (Pt) (block 1 of characterologic features), hypochondria (Hs) and depression (D) (block 2 of characterologic features), hypomania (Ma) and hysteria (Hy) (block 3 of characterologic features is registered). In the structure of personal profile of properties of character of boys of 14-17 years during the period of study at school predominance of characterologic properties according to psychasthenia (Pt) and schizoid (Se) (block 1 of characterologic features), hypochondria (Hs) and depression (D) (block 2), paranoid (Pa) and hypomania (Ma) (block 3) is registered. The results suggest the need to consider the properties of character of schoolchildren in development of health-saving technologies, sanitation measures and psychohygienic effect on the pupils’ organism.Посилання
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