Importance of serous intraepithelial ovarian tubal carcinomas in the occurrence of "high-grade" serous carcinomas and / or peritoneal serous carcinomas of unknown primary origin.
DOI:Ключові слова:
"high-grade" serous ovarian carcinomas, cancers without known primary localization, p53, ImageJАнотація
Studies of the recent decades on serous pelvic adenocarcinomas in women have set the goal of distinguishing between two diagnostic units: "low-grade" and "high-grade" carcinomas. The predecessor of the "low-grade" variant (type I) is considered to be a borderline serous tumor / atypical proliferative serous tumor (8442/1), which according to the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology ICD-O 2013 of the female reproductive system refers to non-specific, borderline tumors and tumors with unpredictable clinical behavior. The predecessors of the “high-grade” variant (type II) are serous tubular intraepithelial carcinomas (in situ) or “high-grade” serous invasive tubal carcinomas, since they have the TP53 mutation identical to “high-grade” ovarian carcinoma, an aberrant p53 protein expression, high proliferative activity, and significant genomic instability. In addition, according to the carcinogenesis of "high-grade" serous ovarian carcinoma with metastases to the peritoneum, it can also be interpreted as "pelvic high-grade serous carcinoma". A retrospective analysis of the histological, morphometric and immunohistochemical characteristics of the biopsy material of 31 women aged from 28 to 76 years (mean 57.32±11.54; median 57), divided into 3 groups, was carried out. Group 1: 14 observations of the tubal epithelium (8 tubes without pathological changes (subgroup 1a) and 6 with signs of intraepithelial neoplasia (subgroup 1b); group 2: 12 cases of serous adenocarcinoma of the ovary of the “high-grade” variant; group 3: 6 metastatic peritoneal serous carcinoma without a known primary site. Results. Group immunophenotypes showed uniformity in the expression of markers CK7 (+, +/-), CK20 (-), WT-1 (+), CA125 (+, +/-), with an affinity to distal uterine tube fragments. The expression of p53 in all groups with signs of carcinomas (compared with the control subgroup 1a without atypia) was divided into two options - negative samples and samples with overexpression, where no statistically significant difference was found (p>0.05), which is possibly a single way of carcinogenesis. The morphometric study revealed a significant difference in the area of the nuclei between group 3 and the first three groups (1a, 1b, 2), which indicates the similarity of ovarian and tubal neoplasias and uterine tube epithelium. The number of intranuclear reactions with ER and PGR progressively decreased from group 1 to group 3, with an increase in cases with ER (+/-) / PGR (+/- or -) to 50% in group 3, which greatly complicated the diagnostic search for unknown carcinomas of primary localization. HER-2-new expression revealed a possible amplification (gradation 2 + / 3 +) only in group 2 at the level of 16.67% and in group 3 at the level of 33.33%.
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