Improving quality of components and protein preparations of blood plasma by introduction of quality management according to the principles of GMP and ISO 9001 in the blood service institutions with benchmarking effectiveness.


  • V. V. Liubchack
  • A. S. Timchenko
  • V. A. Liubchack


Ключові слова:

blood service, plasma, inactivation of viruses, quality management, cost


Aspects of harmonious introduc­tion of the new standards of quality management in the institutions of blood service were considered. It was proved that it does not contradict to current legislation and significantly increases pathogenic security of blood components and blood products.

Біографії авторів

V. V. Liubchack

Sumy Regional Center of blood
Sumy, 40000, Ukraine

A. S. Timchenko

SI "Institute of Hematology and Transfusion of NAMS of Ukraine"
M. Berlynskoho str., 12, Kyiv, 04060, Ukraine

V. A. Liubchack

Sumy Regional Center of blood
Sumy, 40000, Ukraine


Закон України «Про Загальнодержавну про¬граму адаптації законодавства України до законо¬да¬вства Європейського Союзу» №1629-ІV від 18.03.2004 р. WHO. Global Consultation Universal Access to Safe Blood Tra¬n¬sfusion / WHO.-Ottawa, Canada, 2007.–9-11 June.-45p.

Совет Европы. Руководство по производству, ис¬пользованию и обеспечинии качества компонентов кро¬ви / Совет Европы. – 2000 г. [Ел. pесурс]. – Режим дос¬тупу:

Council of Europe. Survey of blood transfusion services. – Strasbourg, 1993. – 68 p.

Eropean Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare – [Ел. pесурс]. – Режим доступу:

Tadokoro K. Management of blood programme and quality: Asian approach / K. Tadokoro // ISBT Scien¬ce series. – 2008. – Vol. 3, Iss. 1. – P. 26-29.

WHO. Quality management programme [Ел. pесурс]. – Режим доступу:¬safety/quality/en/

Law of Ukraine "On the State Program for Adap¬tation of Ukraine to the EU legislation» № 1629-IV of 18.03.2004р. WHO. Global Consultation Universal Ac¬cess to Safe Blood Transfusion. WHO. Ottawa, Canada, 2007;45.

The Council of Europe. Guidelines for the pro¬duction, use and quality assurance of blood components; 2000. Available from:¬matic/transf/evrosovet.htm

Council of Europe. Survey of blood transfusion services. Council of Europe. Strasbourg, 1993;68.

Eropean Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare. Available from: Background_Mission-65.html

Tadokoro K. Management of blood programme and quality: Asian approach. ISBT Science series. 2008;3(1):26-29.

WHO. Quality management programme. Avai¬lable from:




Як цитувати

Liubchack VV, Timchenko AS, Liubchack VA. Improving quality of components and protein preparations of blood plasma by introduction of quality management according to the principles of GMP and ISO 9001 in the blood service institutions with benchmarking effectiveness. Med. perspekt. [інтернет]. 30, Вересень 2014 [цит. за 17, Липень 2024];19(3):112-6. доступний у:

