One stage correction of anorectal malformations in newborns.


  • I. O. Makedonsky


Ключові слова:

anorectal malformations, newborns, surgical correction


The retrospective analysis of case histories of 35 infants (19 boys, 16 girls), treated in the department of reconstructive surgery of Dnipropetrovsk center of mother and child health in the period 2008-2013 was done. All the patients underwent one-stage treatment of anorectal malformations in neonatal period. Surgery was performed in the first 48 hours of life. Body weight of infants ranged from 2,8 to 4,4 kg (average weight 3,2 kg). Among related conditions there were observed vesico-ureteral reflux (VUR) – in 11 (31,4%), VATER association - in 6 (17.1%), malformations of the spine – in 18 (51,4%), of the heart – in 2 (5,7% ). During cystoscopy fistula in the urinary system was revealed in 16 boys. Surgical treatment was carried out by the posterior sagittal anorectoplasty (PSARP) by A.Pena. 2 patients additionally underwent laparotomy. Among 16 patients with fistula in the urinary system, prostatic urethra fistula was revealed in 14, bladder neck fistula – in 2. Children were discharged from the hospital 2 weeks after surgery. All the children re­ceived anti­biotics due to the presence of VUR. After 1 month after surgery VCUG was performed. Long-term results were studied for a period of 10 to 24 months. All patients had VUR without evidence of hydronephrosis. In the period of 3-6 months after surgery 2 patients presented anal stenosis due to violation of dilatation. The evaluation results in the late period (10-24 months after surgery) noted the presence of normal stool 2-3 times a day, 3 children had periodic con­stipations treated by diet. Available merits of the described method: only one operation and general anesthesia is per­for­med, no risk of prolonged contamination by pathogenic flora of the urinary system through the fistula, potential risk of complications of laparotomy and colostomy decreases, fistula visualization in cystoscopy allows to avoid the X-ray.

Біографія автора

I. O. Makedonsky

ME «Dnіpropetrovsk Clinical Centre health of mother and child of Professor MF Rudnev»
Pushkin av., 26, Dnіpropetrovsk, 49006, Ukraine


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Як цитувати

Makedonsky IO. One stage correction of anorectal malformations in newborns. Med. perspekt. [інтернет]. 08, Червень 2015 [цит. за 18, Липень 2024];20(2):84-7. доступний у:

