The role of thyroid hormones in regulating of fatty acid spectrum of brain lipids: ontogenetic aspect.
DOI:Ключові слова:
hypothyroidism, neocortex, hipokam, polyunsaturated fatty acids, ontogenesisАнотація
In experiments on rats of three age groups the role of thyroid hormones in the regulation of fatty acid spectrum of cortical and hippocampus lipids was studied. It was found that on the background of decreased thyroid status content of polyunsaturated fractions of free fatty acids, significantly changed depending on the age of the animals. In particular, in juvenile rats hypothyroidism was accompanied by a decrease almost twice the number of pentacodan acid decreased lipids viscosity in neurocortex. In old rats reduce of pentacodan acid in the cortex (38%) was supplemented by significant (77%) decrease in linoleic and linolenic acids. Unlike the two age groups deficiency of thyroid hormones in young animals caused accumulation of free polyunsatarated fatty acids (C18: 2.3) in the cerebral cortex by 74%, which may be associated with a decrease of this fraction in fatty acid spectrum of lipids and increase of viscosity properties of the membranes. These restructuring may be associated with modulation of synaptic transmission of specific neurotransmitter systems in the brain.Посилання
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