Experimental evaluation of gonadotoxical action of diazolin.


  • O. A. Breydak



Ключові слова:

diazolin, honadotoxic


Evaluation of gonadotoxic effect of diazolin was conducted according to the methodical recommendations. "Methods of experimental studies to establish thresholds of action of industrial poisons on the generative function for the purpose of hygienic regulation". Experiments were carried out on nonlinear white male rats. The preparation was introduced intragastrically within 72 days in a dose of 100 mg / kg (experimental group 1) and 20 mg / kg (2 experimental group), which made up 1/100DL50 and 1/500 DL50. For the assessment of sexual glands microscopic studies of the testes (external examination, weight, size), functional and morphological parameters were used. The parameters obtained during experiments were comparedwith the results of the control group and values of standards in laboratory animals. Influence of diazolin in the dose of 100 mg/kg (1/100 DL50) resulted in the increase in the total number of sperm cells with simultaneous decrease of their mobility, redox processes, osmotic and acid resistance. However, these changes did not reach statistical significance. Number of dead sperm cells and their pathological forms and indicators of semen-forming epithelium were within the control. Diazolin in the dose of 20 mg/kg (1/500 DL50) and 100 mg/kg (1/100 DL50) shows no gonadotoxical action.

Біографія автора

O. A. Breydak

Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
Department of Hygiene and Preventive Toxicology
Pekarska str., 69, Lviv, 79000, Ukraine


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Як цитувати

Breydak OA. Experimental evaluation of gonadotoxical action of diazolin. Med. perspekt. [інтернет]. 22, Грудень 2016 [цит. за 18, Липень 2024];21(4):15-8. доступний у: https://journals.uran.ua/index.php/2307-0404/article/view/90022

