Chronic paraprosthesis infection after allohernioplasty.


  • Yu. I. Kalish
  • L. Z. Ametov
  • A. R. Shayusupov
  • S. Kh. Yigitaliev
  • M. K. Kabulov


Ключові слова:

ventral hernia, alloplastics, skin-prosthetic fistula, surgical treatment, nitrogen and carbon dioxide laser


Nowadays allohernioplasty is widespread around the world, However, it is accompanied with acute and chronic inflammation developing around the prothesis. In such a situation it is very important to decide either delete or save the mesh. We observed 11 patients with skin-prosthetic fistulas existing for 1-6 years. Sanation and irradiation of the fistula with ultraviolet nitrogen laser having a bactericide effect. (Pn - 2,5-5 mWt; t= 2 min; W- 1,5-3 J/sm2) was carried out, 10 patientsunderwent operation. In two cases there was done partial excision of the prosthesis within the integrated parts. In 8 of 10 patients complete removal of the prothesis with a wide dissection of infected tissues was performed. 4 patients underwent realloprosthesing. For irradiation of the operation wound carbon dioxide laser (wave of the length 10.6 µm, the power of radiation 25W, the exposure of 1 sm2, wound surface – within 1 sec) was used in all patients during the operation.In 9 of 10 operated patients with chronic infection around the prosthesis recovery occurred 6 months after reimplantation, in 1 case a new fistula was formed.

Біографії авторів

Yu. I. Kalish

Stock Company «Republican Specialized Surgery Center named after academician V.Vakhidov»
Kichik khalka yuli str., 10, Tashkent city, 100000, Uzbekistan

L. Z. Ametov

Stock Company «Republican Specialized Surgery Center named after academician V.Vakhidov»
Kichik khalka yuli str., 10, Tashkent city, 100000, Uzbekistan

A. R. Shayusupov

Stock Company «Republican Specialized Surgery Center named after academician V.Vakhidov»
Kichik khalka yuli str., 10, Tashkent city, 100000, Uzbekistan

S. Kh. Yigitaliev

Stock Company «Republican Specialized Surgery Center named after academician V.Vakhidov»
Kichik khalka yuli str., 10, Tashkent city, 100000, Uzbekistan

M. K. Kabulov

Stock Company «Republican Specialized Surgery Center named after academician V.Vakhidov»
Kichik khalka yuli str., 10, Tashkent city, 100000, Uzbekistan


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Як цитувати

Kalish YI, Ametov LZ, Shayusupov AR, Yigitaliev SK, Kabulov MK. Chronic paraprosthesis infection after allohernioplasty. Med. perspekt. [інтернет]. 22, Грудень 2016 [цит. за 17, Липень 2024];21(4):62-6. доступний у:

