About the Journal

Focus and Scope

1. Theoretical and methodological principles of ensuring information security of the person, society, and state.

2. International experience in the field of information security of the person, society, and state.

3. State policy of Ukraine in the sphere of ensuring information security of the person, society, and state.

4. Forms, methods and means of detecting, assessing and forecasting threats to the information security of Ukraine.

5. Scientific and methodological apparatus for assessing the effectiveness of  the information security.

6. Methods, means and measures of ensuring informational and psychological security of the person, society, and state.

7. Methods, tools and measures of organizational and legal protection of restricted information.

8. Methods, means and measures of technical and cryptographic protection of information.

9. Organizational, legal and technical issues to combat cybercrime.

10. Methods, technologies, models and programs for training, career enhancement training in the field of information security.

Peer Review Process

  1. All articles undergo three stages of review:
    1st stage – for compliance with requirements of the journal
    2nd stage – checking for plagiarism
    3rd stage – a double-blind review
  2. The reviewer may be a member of the editorial board or authorized expert in information security.
  3. Chief Editor and Executive Secretary appointed reviewers.
  4. Blind review suggests that neither the author nor the reviewer knows the names of each other, all correspondence between the author and the reviewers conducted by editors.
  5. Results after consideration of articles submitted to the editorial board (report specifically approved by the chief editor of the form).
  6. Reviewer Report is a recommendation, the final decision on the publication of articles The editorial board.
  7. The author can not agree with the opinion of the reviewer and the editor to send a reasoned response.
  8. If necessary, the author sent the comments and term which accepted corrections.
  9. In the event of a negative review of the manuscript the author sent a reasoned review of the refusal

Publication Frequency

First Issue - March 31;

Second Issue - June 30;

Third Issue - September 30;

Open Access Policy

This journal practices a policy of immediate open access to published content, upholding the principles of free dissemination of scientific information and global knowledge sharing for overall public progress.

Journal History

The journal is issued 3 times a year