


gender communication, gender sensitivity, gender studies, gender prospective


The article defines the conceptual apparatus of the metalanguage of gender studies in the field of information security and solves a number of problems, in particular: the history of gender studies examined through the prism of the society’s information organization; proposes the definition of a number of gender concepts relevant to information security; substantiates gender perception characteristic of security and defense sector institutions as an important condition for ensuring information security.

Gender studies is considered asa broad scientific field, a research practice in which new opportunities are realized related to the use of a gender approach to the analysis of power interdependencies and hierarchies, power structures, their subordination and domination.

The emphasis is placed upon the fact that gender paradigm mainstreaming responds to one of the most important trends of the 21st century – ensuring tolerant attitudes towards different styles of scientific thinking, providing for understanding of interdisciplinary relations as a trans paradigm phenomenon (the coexistence of several scientific paradigms that determine methodological pluralism in the course of research, the activities conducted at the intersection of sciences, involving the use of methods and comparison of the results of two or more branches of scientific knowledge) and methods of meta paradigm phenomenon (the creation of an all-encompassing, unifying doctrine capable of replacing the confrontation of scientific fields with their synthesis)

The theory of gender studies has led to the emergence of a new philosophical and communicative paradigm of security and defense institutions focused on gender sensitivity, that is meeting specific needs of diverse groups of men and women, boys and girls in the field of security and justice, and promotes the full and equal participation of women and men in this activity. 



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How to Cite

КОМПАНЦЕВА, Л. (2019). ГЕНДЕРНА ПЕРСПЕКТИВА ІНФОРМАЦІЙНОЇ БЕЗПЕКИ. Information Security of the Person, Society and State, (2(26), 115–125. Retrieved from https://journals.uran.ua/ispss/article/view/196040

