
  • Віктор БОЙКО
  • Микола ВАСИЛЕНКО
  • Сергій КУХАРЕНКО


cybersecurity, cyber resilience, regulatory instruments, EU legislation, innovations


The article deals with the issues of establishing cybersecurity in the EU and its member-states at the legislative level as viewed from the point of a systematic approach. The authors identified problematic aspects of improving cybersecurity quality and conditions. They analyzed the impact of the EU member states legislation on cybersecurity. The article as well considers the process of ICT development and presents the ways of creating new challenges by means of new technologies.


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How to Cite

БОЙКО, В., ВАСИЛЕНКО, М., & КУХАРЕНКО, С. (2019). КІБЕРБЕЗПЕКА В ЄС ТА КРАЇНАХ-ЧЛЕНАХ: ГЕНЕЗИС ТА ПРОБЛЕМИ ЇЇ ПІДВИЩЕННЯ. Information Security of the Person, Society and State, (3(27), 57–69. Retrieved from https://journals.uran.ua/ispss/article/view/196117

