The Method Of Logical Networks For Modeling Adaptive Knowledge Testing Systems




software engineering; knowledge bases; algebra of finite predicates; logical networks, logical rules; reliability of tests; use of knowledge; model of the learning subject


The subject of the research is the development of mathematical and algorithmic support of the intellectual toolkit for the analysis of sets of test tasks and the modeling of the process of interpreting the quality of sets of test tasks, which allows for objective and comprehensive continuous control of the knowledge of subjects of training, subject to the implementation of the concept of virtual distributed training (retraining).

The purpose of the research is to improve the effectiveness of monitoring the knowledge of subjects of education in the distance form of education through the use of adaptive computer testing methods based on models of logical networks and the algebra of finite predicates.

The following tasks are solved in the article: the formation of a testing model in a distributed virtual learning environment and a model of validity assessment based on the content of sets of test tasks.

The following methods are used: methods of logical networks and algebraic programming based on the algebra of finite predicates and predicate operations, intellectual analysis of information.

The following results were obtained: the principles of intellectual analysis were formulated in the development of a model of a universal logical network and its application to actual tasks of artificial intelligence in the field of informal information processing, namely, in the construction of knowledge testing systems for distributed virtual learning

Conclusions. Algorithms for optimal multi-stage adaptive testing of knowledge as part of distributed virtual learning models and methods for analyzing the success of training subjects have been improved. The use of conjunctive decomposition with binary predicates achieves the goal of the research, because in this way any multi-place predicate can be represented by a logical network simulating the process of knowledge testing, the model of the subject of learning is described.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Liashyk, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics


Ihor Shubin, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

PhD (Engineering Sciences), Associate Professor,  Professor at the Department of Software


Перелік посилань

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Gruzdo, I., Kyrychenko, I., Tereshchenko, G., Shanidze, O. "Analysis of Models Usability Methods Used on Design Stage to Increase Site Optimization", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems. (COLINS), Volume III: Intelligent Systems Workshop, 2023. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 3403, Р. 387-4093. available at:

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Karataiev, O., Sitnikov, D., Sharonova, N. "A Method for Investigating Links between Discrete Data Features in Knowledge Bases in the Form of Predicate Equations", CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2023, Р. 224–235. available at:

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Omran, P. G., Wang, K., Wang, Z. (2021), "An Embedding-based Approach to Rule Learning in Knowledge Graphs", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Vol. 33(4). Р. 1348–1359. DOI: 10.1109/TKDE.2019.2941685

Pellissier-Tanon, T., Weikum, G., Suchanek, F. (2020), "F. YAGO 4: A Reasonable Knowledge Base", 17th International Conference, ESWC 2020, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 31–June 4. P. 583-596. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-49461-2_34

Kyrychenko, I., Malikin, D. "Research of Methods for Practical Educational Tasks Generation Based on Various Difficulty Levels" 6th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems (COLINS-2022), May 12–13, 2022, Gliwice, Poland. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3171, Volume I: Main, 2022. Р. 1030-1042. available at:

Omran, P. G., Wang, Z., Wang, K. (2018), "Scalable rule learning via learning representation", Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. IJCAI-18. Р. 2149-2155. DOI:10.24963/ijcai.2018/297

Svato, M., Schockaert, S., Davis, J. "STRiKE: Rule-Driven Relational Learning Using Stratified k-Entailment", in: ECAI, 2020. available at:

Sharonova, N., Gruzdo, I., Tereshchenko, G. "Generalized Semantic Analysis Algorithm of Natural Language Texts for Various Functional Style Types". 6th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems (COLINS-2022), May 12–13, 2022, Gliwice, Poland. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3171, Volume I: Main, 2022. Р. 16-26. available at:

Barkovska, O. (2022), "Research into Speech-to-text Transformation Module in the Proposed Model of a Speaker’s Automatic Speech Annotation". Innovative Technologies and Scientific Solutions for Industries. № 4 (22). Р. 5-13. DOI:



How to Cite

Liashyk, V., & Shubin, I. (2023). The Method Of Logical Networks For Modeling Adaptive Knowledge Testing Systems. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND SCIENTIFIC SOLUTIONS FOR INDUSTRIES, (4(26), 45–57.