Perspectives of development of gas-turbine engineering on the basis of achieved in aeronautical en-gine engineering (on the 100th anniversary of the birthday of V. N. Eershov)


  • В. П. Герасименко National Aerospace University “KhAI”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • М. Ю. Шелковский SE Zoria-Mashproekt research and production complex for gas turbine building, Ukraine


compressor, efficiency, speed ratio, lengthening of blades


Considerable contribution to the improvement of compressors of scientific schools, founded by academician G. F.  Proskura and his pupil - honored worker of higher education of Ukraine, doctor of technical sciences, professor Vladimir Nikolaevich Ershov, is considered. It is shown that the speed factor is a rather convenient sign of type recognition and optimal shape of the impeller of the compressor, pump, fan, to ensure its maximum efficiency, necessary head and air flow.

Author Biography

В. П. Герасименко, National Aerospace University “KhAI”, Kharkiv

Doctor of Technical Sciences


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Power Engineering