Simulation of combined schottky diode


  • Єгор Миколайович Кісельов Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy Lenina 226, Zaporizhzhya, 69006, Ukraine


Schottky diode, current, management, voltage, gate, electron concentration


Despite the fact that various designs of Schottky diodes with additional gate were developed and investigated, still little attention has been paid to the simulation of their operation modes at independent change of field electrode potential. The results of two-dimensional physical-topological simulation of combined Schottky diode with electrically separated anode and gate in the computer-aided design system TCAD Studio are given in the paper. Analysis of the obtained results shows that the management effectiveness of combined Schottky diode depends on the voltage value on the additional electrode-gate. The regulation degree of additional diode capacitance, according to the applied model has a value of about 22%. The research results can be used for further optimization of designs of combined Schottky diodes.

Author Biography

Єгор Миколайович Кісельов, Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy Lenina 226, Zaporizhzhya, 69006


Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics


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Power Engineering