The system of diagnostic of a thermostressed state and operation of a resource for a rotor of a high pressure of turbine T-250/300-240 on stationary and variable operat-ing modes
resource, rotor, turbine, low cycle fatigue material creepAbstract
The system of diagnostic of a thermal stress state and of a service life wear of turbine T-250/300-240 high pressure rotor from low cycle fatigue and creep under operating conditions the turbine unit on its actual operating mode is presented. These operating modes are defined on technological parameters of automatic control system that does not demand installation on the turbine-driven set of additional thermocouples or other equipment. At an estimation of a thermal stress state and lifetime wear are considered actual start-stopping and replaceable operating modes of the turbine-driven set, including stopping with cooling before repair.
At definition of a damage from low cycle fatigue the elastic-plastic straining of a material in zones of diagnosing of a rotor for a system operating time is considered, and at definition of a damage from creep – time-history of stress, temperature, and also stress relaxation.
The developed system of diagnostic of a thermal stress state and the resource counter has passed check on the thermal power station and can be used for rotors of a high pressure of turbine units T-250/300-240 taking into account features of functioning of their systems of automatic control of technological parameters.
The system allows to detect regimes of the sped up a lifetime wear and to optimize start-stopping and transitive, that improve reliability and profitability of the turbine unit exploitation. The developed technique of diagnosing of a service life wear can be used for creation of similar systems for other steam turbines of power stations.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Николай Григорьевич Шульженко, Павло Петрович Гонтаровський, Юрій Іванович Матюхін, Наталія Григорівна Гармаш, Володимир Павлович Гонтаровський

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