Model of two-component system with component deactivation by hidden failure control



semi-Markov process, latent failure, steady-state characteristics, two-component system, availability factor


A high quality level of controlling and measuring equipment and its diversity does not solve the problem of early detection of latent failures, which can be recognized only when monitoring. Taking into account the occurrence of latent failures, mathematical models of controlling recoverable systems make the solution to this problem possible.

For developing control models, the approach, based on the theory of semi-Markov processes with a common phase state space, is used in the paper. When working out models, this approach allows getting rid of some limitations, in particular, of the assumption, which concerns an exponential law of distributing random values, characterizing the system. It enables finding the system operation characteristics, which can be used for engineering applications. An effective method of finding the approximate system characteristics of high-dimension models is the method, sharing a common basis with the algorithms of phase enlargement.

The comparative results of exact and approximate values give reason for applying this method in researches regarding multicomponent systems.

Author Biographies

Юрий Евгеньевич Обжерин, Sevastopol National Technical University Campus str., 33, Sevastopol, Ukraine, 99053

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics

Елена Георгиевна Бойко, Sevastopol National Technical University Campus str., 33, Sevastopol, Ukraine, 99053

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Department of Mathematics


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Applied mathematics