Thermoelastic stress state in the brake drum with prefracture zone at braking the wheel machine



brake drum of the wheel machine, prefracture zone, thermoelastic stress condition, fracturing


The model of cracking in the brake mechanism drum under action of temperature stresses at braking the automobile is work out. Thermal fracture is caused by heat generation in the drum during the friction. The model is based on the analysis of the fracturing zone. During operation of the wheel car friction pair "drum - lining" in the metal brake drum will occur prefracture zones, which model as the area of weakened interparticle bonds of material. It is assumed that under the action of normal and tangential load on the inner surface of the drum interaction between the surfaces in the prefracture zones is characterized by normal and shear constant adhesion stresses. Interaction of prefracture zone faces is modeled by introducing between the faces plastic slip lines (degenerate plastic deformations bands). Relations determining the critical values of heat exposure intensity, under which in the drum brake cracking occurs, are received.


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Dynamics and Strength of Machines