Environmental aspect of competitive use hydrogen as a fuel



hydrogen, СО2 emission vehicles, the environment, the European directive on the reduction of СО2 emissions, the competitiveness of the use of hydrogen as a fuel


This article discusses the prospect of the concept of hydrogen technologies in the context of the approved European Union directives to reduce  emissions by vehicles into the atmosphere.

The main purpose of this study is the possibility of using hydrogen technologies based on analysis derived from a variety of sources and activities , research, and adopted guidelines. The use of modern means of communication, the treatment of the scientific literature , allows for the collection and analysis of information received from scientists in different countries. The paper studies the structure of global СО2  emissions from the transport sector. The influence of the harmful emissions from motor vehicles on public health and the environment in general. The structure of the methods to reduce СО2 emissions from transport according to the International Energy Agency. The article deals with the European directive on the reduction of  СО2 emissions.

Based on the data and studies , we propose to reduce the amount of harmful toxic emissions of vehicles using hydrogen as a fuel. In this paper , by analyzing scientific articles and studies obtained , we conclude that the search for alternative sources of fuel for motor vehicles will inevitably come to hydrogen as the fuel type is really safe.


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