Exact solution of contact problem for partial interaction of width variable slit faces at temperature field action



variable width slit, local temperature field, contact clutch zone, slip zone, contact stresses


We consider the local temperature changes near the end of variable (comparable to the elastic deformations) width slit. By means of the induced temperature field on slit growth path the compressive stresses zone are created. The equilibrium problem for the slit with partially contacting bonds under the action of external tensile loads, induced temperature field and forces on the slit contacting surfaces, is reduced to the problem of analytic functions linear conjugation. It is assumed that on some part of contact zone faces grip occurs, and on rest part of contact zone is may slip. Determination of unknown contact stresses and sizes of contact zones is reduced to solving a system of two singular integral equations. Each singular integral equation with additional conditions is reduced to the Riemann problem, which is solved in closed form. From the solution of singular integral equations and additional conditions normal and tangential forces in the contact zones and the size of the slit faces contact zones are determinate. The effective calculation scheme for contact stress and the stress-strain state of medium with partially closed variable width slit in a plane under the influence of an external tensile load are giving.

Author Biographies

В. М. Мирсалимов, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Azerbaijan

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

А. Б. Мустафаев, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Azerbaijan

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences


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