Simulation of ion-atom interactions at the corpuscular bombardment of the surface of steel samples


  • Виталий Викторович Гончаров Institute of Chemical Technology (Rubizhne) Volodymyr Dahl' East Ukrainian National University Str. Lenin, 31, Rubezhnoye, Lugansk region, Ukraine, 93009, Ukraine
  • С. В. Мащенко Institute of Chemical Technology (Rubizhne) Volodymyr Dahl' East Ukrainian National University Str. Lenin, 31, Rubezhnoye, Lugansk region, Ukraine, 93009, Ukraine
  • А. А. Черный Institute of Chemical Technology (Rubizhne) Volodymyr Dahl' East Ukrainian National University Str. Lenin, 31, Rubezhnoye, Lugansk region, Ukraine, 93009, Ukraine


ionic implantation, a computer model, implants, neural networks


In the paper the problem of modeling of ionic implantation as the technology of influence on the surface properties of materials is solved. On the basis of existing physical models computer program "RIO" is developed. Capabilities of the software allow us to calculate the penetration depth of the ions in the target material, the formation of the deposited film and the sputtering surface. Program "RIO" takes into account the surface microgeometry, that allows to build profiles and to calculate the cross-sectional surface roughness, length of the profile, the average tilt angle, etc. Comparison of the results obtained using this model with the microanalytical data confirmed the accuracy of the developed program. For the purpose of modeling the behavior of the entire surface was investigated possibility of using neural networks. Analysis of micrographs showed high prediction accuracy relief ion-implanted surface modeling method using neural networks. The similarity values of Ra shows that the neural networks reliably reproduce the ratio of the height of the peaks and valleys of the surface. Accumulation of the results increases the accuracy of the simulation, and thus allows to control the textural characteristics of the implants. The results of research shows perspectivities for application of the developed methods for the design of heat exchangers and catalytic devices, precision and tribological pairs, etc.

Author Biographies

Виталий Викторович Гончаров, Institute of Chemical Technology (Rubizhne) Volodymyr Dahl' East Ukrainian National University Str. Lenin, 31, Rubezhnoye, Lugansk region, Ukraine, 93009

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Technical Mechanics

А. А. Черный, Institute of Chemical Technology (Rubizhne) Volodymyr Dahl' East Ukrainian National University Str. Lenin, 31, Rubezhnoye, Lugansk region, Ukraine, 93009

Candidate of Technical Sciences


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